

【Rider】RiderにHeap Allocations Viewerを導入してヒープアロケーションを可視化する(Unityでもオススメ)


今回はHeap Allocations Viewerについて取り上げたいと思います。

This plugin statically analyzes C# code to find all local object allocations happening.

It can be used to reduce number of heap allocations in hot paths of your C# program.

// DeepL翻訳


GitHub - controlflow/resharper-heapview: ReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin



メニューバーよりFile -> Settings...を選択。

Settings Window

サイドバーよりPluginsを選択し、検索ボックスにHeap Allocations Viewerと入力し、インストールを行います。


インストールできるとRestart IDEという表示が出てくるので、再起動すれば完了です。


Heap Allcationが発生するコードを検出し、可視化してくれます。



internal struct Boxing
    private enum E {A, B, C}

    private void Hoge()
        // Boxing allocation: conversion from 'int' to 'object' requires boxing of the value type
        object obj = 42;
        // Boxing allocation: conversion from 'char' to 'object' requires boxing of the value type
        string path = "a" + '/' + obj;

        // Boxing allocation: inherited 'ValueType.GetHashCode()' virtual method invocation over the value type instance
        int code = this.GetHashCode();
        // Boxing allocation: inherited 'Enum.ToString()' virtual method invocation over the value type instance
        string caseA = E.A.ToString();

        // Boxing allocation: conversion from 'E' to 'IComparable' requires boxing of the value type
        IComparable comparable = E.A;

        // Boxing allocation: conversion of value type 'Boxing' instance method to 'Action' delegate type
        // Delegate allocation: new 'Action' instance creation
        Action action = this.Hoge;

Object allocationの例

void Method(params string[] args)
    // Object allocation: string concatenation
    string c = args[0] + "/";
    // Object allocation: new 'string[]' array instance creation for params parameter 'args'
    Method("abc", "cdf");

private void N(List<string> xs)
    // No Allocations
    foreach (var s in xs) Console.WriteLine(s);

    // Possible object allocation: new 'IEnumerator<string>' instance creation on 'GetEnumerator()' call (except when it's cached by the implementation)
    IEnumerable<string> ys = xs;
    foreach (var s in ys) Console.WriteLine(s);

Delegate allocationの例

private static void M(string s)
    // Delegate allocation: new 'Action' instance creation Capture of parameter 's'
    Action closure = () => M(s);

private void M<T>()
    // Delegate allocation: new 'Action' instance creation Capture of 'this' reference
    Action closure = () => M<T>();

Closure allocationの例

class Closures {
    IEnumerable<string> StupidExample(string str)
        // Closure allocation: capture of 'value' variable and containing closure ('str')
        int value = str.Count(x => x == '_');

        // Delegate allocation: new 'Func<int,string>' instance creation Capture of parameter 'str' and variable 'value'
        return Enumerable
            .Range(0, str.Length)
            .Select(count => str.Substring(Math.Max(value, count)));