



 \overline{P\wedge Q}  is \overline{P} \vee \overline{Q}
 \overline{P\vee Q}  is \overline{P} \wedge \overline{Q}


 \exists x : P(x) \; s.t. \; Q(x)

ex.  \exists x \in \mathbb{N} \; \; s.t. \; \;  x \: is \: odd

 \exists x : P(x) \; s.t. \; Q(x)の否定

 \overline{ \exists x : P(x) \; s.t. \; Q(x) } \equiv \forall x : P(x) , \overline{Q(x)}

 \exists x : P(x) \; s.t. \; Q(x)の証明

How to prove  \exists x : P(x) \; s.t. \; Q(x)

  1. Find x so that P(x) is true.
  2. Prove that Q(x) is true.


 \forall x : P(x) , Q(x)

ex.  \forall x \in \mathbb{Z} , x^2+x+1 > 0

 \forall x : P(x) , Q(x)の否定

 \overline{ \forall x : P(x) , Q(x) } \equiv \exists x : P(x) \; s.t. \; \overline{Q(x)}

 \forall x : P(x) , Q(x)の証明

How to prove  \forall x : P(x) , Q(x)

  1. Let x be any element satisfying P(x).
  2. Prove Q(x)


Statement X.

  • It is True if we prove X.
  • It is False if we prove the negation  \overline{X}



 \forall x \in X : P(x), Q(x)
 \forall x \in X , (P(x) \Rightarrow Q(x))
 ( (x \in X) \wedge P(x) ) \Rightarrow Q(x)

 \Rightarrow の証明

  • For " P \Rightarrow Q", P is hypothesis or assumption, Q is conclusioin.
  • In order to prove " P \Rightarrow Q", we have to prove Q by using the assumption that P is True.


Let P, Q, R be statements.

  •  ( (P \Rightarrow Q ) \wedge (Q \Rightarrow R) ) \Rightarrow (P \Rightarrow R)
  •  ( (P \Rightarrow Q) \wedge P ) \Rightarrow Q
  •  ( (P \Rightarrow Q) \wedge \overline{Q} ) \Rightarrow \overline{P}


 \overline{Q} \Rightarrow \overline{P} \equiv P \Rightarrow Q


Prove  P \Rightarrow Q by proving  P \wedge \overline{Q} is false (or have a contradiction)

 \lnot (P \wedge \overline{Q}) \equiv (\overline{P} \wedge Q) \equiv (P \Rightarrow Q)

 \forall x \; \exists y \; s.t. \; P(x,y)の証明

How to prove  \forall x \; \exists y \; s.t. \; P(x,y).

  1. Let x be an element (satisfying conditions).
  2. Find y, which usually depends on x, so that  P(x,y) is true.
  3. Prove P(x, y).

 \exists x \; s.t. \; \forall y, P(x, y)の証明

  1. Find x so that  \forall y \; P(x, y) it true
  2. Let y be an element
  3. Prove P(x, y)

 \forall , \existsの両方があるときの否定

 \lnot (\forall x \exists y \; s.t. \; P(x, y) ) \equiv \exists x \; s.t. \; \forall y , \overline{P(x, y)}
 \lnot (\exists x \; s.t. \; \forall y , P(x, y) ) \equiv \forall x , \exists y \; s.t. \; \overline{P(x, y)}

 \forall , \exists の命題の性質

 \forall x, \forall y , P(x, y) \equiv \forall y , \forall x, P(x, y)
 \exists x \; s.t. \; \exists y   \; s.t. \; P(x,y) \equiv \exists y  \; s.t. \; \exists x  \; s.t. \; P(x, y)
 \exists x \; s.t. \; \forall y \; P(x, y) \Rightarrow \forall y , \exists x \; P(x, y)